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Fax: 925.281.4949
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Sherry Lewis

My background as an Arranger and Performer

1 String Quartet, me, resized sherry only

An Elegant Touch of Strings is a string quartet that I began over 20 years ago. Having been through lots of music sets I found things I liked and didn’t like. Arrangements that for the most part didn’t require a lot of work were a welcome plus and then other features emerged to benefit the busy gigging musician. Luckily I had  excellent theory courses to help me through the challenges to see that all of the parts were musically correct and worked well in the registers written for them.

How these arrangements work well for all situations 

1) The selections I chose for these sets carry well over the noise of a crowded room or great distance as on occasion happens.  The composers themselves weren’t striving for fanciful passages but clean, soaring melodies to be enjoyed and remembered for their simplicity. If you’ve performed a decent amount  of weddings and corporate events then you’d know what I’m talking about. The pieces I chose in these sets carry well in the volume demands needed and for the most part well-recognized by the guests as well.

2) It’s more expensive and time consuming to learn all the different sets publishers offer, for example a ‘music for solo’, ‘music for duo’, ‘music for trio’, etc., situation causes one to buy many sets and that’s more rehearsal time not to mention more sets to carry around.

3) Every group occasionally needs a last minute substitute. Subs really appreciate music that isn’t unnecessarily challenging and music they probably know as well.The parts seldom stray from the originals musicians have performed in their chamber groups and symphonies.

4) Pleasant and enjoyable arrangements are always a goal. I chose these 27 pieces for their popularity among other musicians and their clients too.

5) And funny enough the original intent of the composers made for the best arrangements. And of course! I was careful to choose music that would come off well for a string ensemble because the original scores initially offered strong string section voices. 

For booklet specifications see FAQ’S

For information on how to acquire music see How to Purchase page